Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Progression of a Smile

I realize that October is over and with it National Down Syndrome Awareness Month.  But I have something else I'd like to say - actually 2 more things.


 It's about Mary's smile.  Unlike when she was little, smiles are not as common with Mary now.  We don't know why.  It could have everything to do with Autism.  The smiles began disappearing about the time she was diagnosed with Autism in her early 20's.  It could be a result of all her beloved siblings moving out and on at about that same age.   But, the smiles DO still occur.  It's just less often.  Like living where it's always cloudy or foggy (aka London), yet when those sunny beams gently push through the darkness, you appreciate them all the more.
So, nowadays, what makes Mary smile?  A visit with siblings are guaranteed to bring a BIG ONE!  A ride in the Jeep always makes her giggle.   A good ol' fashioned musical on a DVD (like Mary Poppins, Cinderella, Pitch Perfect, Mama Mia - oh, the list could go on forever!) can not only elicit smiles but also some singing from a very quiet girl.  Whipped cream piled high on her pancakes is sure to bring a twinkle in her eyes.  AND..., a friend who says a kind word, who stops to smile or talk to her - even is she's looking 'out of sorts', is valued more than you could ever guess.
Which brings me to the 2nd thing.  I'd like to express deep appreciation from myself, my husband Dan, and from Mary to all those who offer a kind word, who take time to notice, who come to visit, who try to engage her in conversation, who offer to have her sit by them, who find a paper and pencil for her to draw on in church, who SMILE at her - even though she has a grumpy face on.  THANK YOU.  Thank you for SEEING her, for ACKNOWLEDGING her, for MAKING TIME in your busy day for her, for showing her unreserved LOVE and KINDNESS. 

Whipped cream may bring a smile to her face, but your kindnesses bring a smile to her heart.  And ours.   
 Thank you!

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